
The online system for you to get all proper services


Tasheel is considered the online system of the government under the ministry of human resources and Emiratisation which offers the provision of an entire system of the spectrum of application procedure along with the other ministry of labour. It is also considered as a trademark of the Ministry of Human Resource and Emiratisation which correspondently improves the dealing procedure of the government with the labour process. 
  1. Opening of new company file 
  2. Modification of company information
  3. Modification of company owners 
  4. Application and modification of quota 
  5. License renewal 
  6. Provision of the offer letter and relative work permit 
  7. Pre-approval of work permit 
  8. Submission of work permit 
  9. Approval fee decision for work permit 
  10. Pre-approval for employees 
  11. Replacement of job offer letter 
  12. Replacement of pre-approval work permits 
  13. Modification of work permit  
  14. Submission modification of work permit 
  15. Modification of personal information  
  16. Renewal of all categorized labour card 

17. WPS clearance 
18. Refund of bank guarantee 
19. Absconding  
20. Withdrawal of absconding request 
21. Withdrawal of absconding questionnaires  
22. Submission of withdrawal absconding 
23. Customer service report optimization 
24. Typing of labour contract 
25. Association with new person 
26. Submission of cancellation transactions 
27. Submission of labour contract 
28. Procuring owner information list  
29.The provision of electronic work permits information 
30.Employee list offering 
31. Comprehensive report provision of the establishment.

Eagle Management Services – And end to end provision –

Eagle Management Services approves the Tasheel centre in a full-fledged manner and helps in every kind of establishment of the Tasheel centre near their territory. We try to offer a smooth process filled with enjoyment and happiness to the clients staying with the UAE government. We help in procuring the paperwork and documentation for any kind of registration or submission of any procedure.


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